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calling my name
2023, lecture performance: Jam Man Loop Station, Roland VT-4 Voice Transformer, Brookstone Noise Sound Mixer, microphone, laptop, speakers, Power Point Presentation, approx. 30 minutes
Link to the documentation:
"Can one understand water at a glance?" -in her multimedia performance titled calling my name, Goehringer takes the audience on a journey through the aquatic realm by presenting both factual and personal information, as well as curiosities, oddities, and pop culture references. Using research, poetry, movement, video, and singing, she assembles an amalgamation of memories that involve and relate to water. Her performance creates a fluidity akin to the subject matter further exploring it within the pages of her artist book "(das) Wasser in mir".
The edition was released in Frankfurt am Main in September 2023.
Text by Amelie Gappa & Katharina Bruns
Exhibition view: Ich möchte eine Meerjungfrau sein sowie auf S. 87, 2023, Schweizer5, Frankfurt am Main (GER), Photos © Tomás Maglione

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