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shake that ass (for me)
2022, experimental film, 05:31 min
sound design in cooperation with Smittness
"Nudity is nothing new, but in today's visual culture it has permeated so deep that it's in danger of being taken for granted. The nude images coming out of pop and internet culture are indredibly provocative with the amount of flesh they expose. Despite the seemly graphic content of these images, they're not acutally classifed as porn. The line between porn and not porn is in continuous flux; as if every new image uploaded onto a platform wants to break a new barrier and shift the existing border. The perception of an image often changes over time, thanks to this more naked skin has been conquered and new body parts are being explored. The décolleté lost its fascination and since the late 90s society has moved on to a new body part : the buttocks.
The image of a woman with a posterior has become a totem of our time. Thanks to song lyrics, music, videos, photography, social networks, and fitness culture; the buttocks have become a focus point in today's cultural imagery."
Post Butt: The Power of the Image, Melani de Luca
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